Hormone Testing

Depending on your presenting symptoms, your Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy specialist, Benoit Tano, M.D. may order a blood, saliva, or urine test to determine your current hormone levels. With this knowledge Dr. Tano then decides which bioidentical hormones you require for maximum symptom relief. To learn more about the hormones that can be replaced with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy contact Benoit Tano, M.D. of Integrative Immunity Health System in Edina Minnesota today to schedule a consultation!

Conditions Treated with Bioidentical Hormones

Wouldn’t it be great if you could halt the aging process and the effect it has on your body? With Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), you can do just that. While treatment with replacement hormones won’t stop you from getting older, it can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance commonly attributed to aging.

Benoit Tano, M.D. is a Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy specialist in Edina Minnesota, works with patients who are experiencing decreased satisfaction in life because of problems caused by an imbalance in their hormones. The normal process of aging is the most typical cause of this, but there are also several other reasons your hormones could be out of balance.

Bioidentical Hormones for Women

Benoit Tano, M.D. of Integrative Immunity Health System in Edina Minnesota offers specialized Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy programs to women in the Minneapolis Minnesota area. While hormones are notorious for declining during perimenopause and menopause, they can become imbalanced at any age due to stress, lack of sleep, or poor lifestyle habits. As a result, numerous health conditions can occur and reduce the quality of life for women. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can greatly benefit the conditions associated with hormonal imbalances and potentially prevent other health conditions from occurring.

Some of the conditions that can be treated in women with BHRT include:

Bioidentical Hormones for Men

Doctor Benoit Tano of Integrative Immunity Health System in Edina Minnesota uses Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to treat numerous conditions in men that can develop as a result of hormonal decline. Because hormones control thousands of functions in the human body, imbalances can greatly reduce the quality of life and lead to numerous health disorders. While hormones can decline at any age, most men experience imbalances in their fourth and fifth decades, and as result, numerous health conditions can occur. Doctor Tano can design customized Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy programs to help men regain their health and vitality.

Some of the conditions that can be treated in men with BHRT include:

Benoit Tano, M.D. of Integrative Immunity Health System has helped hundreds of men and women throughout his many years of practicing medicine with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, and countless patients have been able improve their health and overcome the conditions associated with hormonal imbalances or decline.

Both men and women have been able to regain vitality and overcome the conditions and challenges associated with aging. To learn more about the conditions that can be treated with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy contact Dr. Tano at Integrative Immunity Health System in Minneapolis Minnesota today to schedule a consultation!

Conditions Treated with Bioidentical Hormones


Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is part of the testosterone hormone, is responsible for hair loss on your scalp, face, chest, back, arms, legs, and groin area. When this hormone is unbalanced, it causes the follicles of your hair to regress and die. Low levels of DHT can result in premature balding or thinning hair. If a full head of hair is important to you, remember that Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can stimulate hair growth.

Symptoms of Andropause

By the time men reach age 70, they may have only 10 percent of the testosterone hormone they had at age 25. This explains why many men begin experiencing symptoms associated with low testosterone around age 40. Andropause is a term that describes the many physical and emotional changes that occur due to the imbalance of hormones. Testosterone replacement is essential to help you experience long-term symptom relief.

Anxiety and Depression

Low levels of testosterone cause an overall feeling of discontent in some men, which is the hallmark characteristic of hypogonadism. Balanced levels of this hormone are so essential that men with hypogonadism receive a diagnosis of clinical depression 400 times more often than men with normal hormone levels do. If you feel hopeless, low on energy, and irritable, ask the doctor to check testosterone levels. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can help balance your hormones and improve your outlook on life.

Chronic Fatigue

When fatigue is chronic, you lack the energy to focus or keep up with everyday responsibilities. Declining levels of testosterone are often to blame for this problem. Chronic fatigue is also worsened by other symptoms of andropause, including night sweats, insomnia, sleep apnea, increased stress, and irritability. It’s important to note that all-day fatigue is different than feeling tired. Fortunately, balancing your testosterone and other hormones with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy helps to improve fatigue and all of its associated symptoms.

Chronic Headaches

Cortisol, the stress hormone, can go into overdrive when you are under constant, unrelenting stress. This can cause daily headaches of varying intensity. The drop in testosterone starting at age 30 can also play a role in chronic headaches, and the practitioner can pinpoint an exact cause with a simple blood test. If your hormones are unbalanced, treatment with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can help alleviate headache pain.

Enlarged Prostate

By the time you are 65 years old, you have a 50 percent chance of developing an enlarged prostate. This occurs when male hormones and certain growth factors fail to work together properly. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include problems starting or stopping the flow of urine, increased need to urinate, a weak urine stream, and involuntary urine dribbling. If you have an enlarged prostate, consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for symptom relief.

Bioidentical hormones are one form of therapy for menopausal symptoms. Winfrey, who turns 55 this month, writes in February's edition of O, The Oprah Magazine that she felt "out of kilter" and had "issues" for two years that she suspected were hormonal. Upon a friend's recommendation, Winfrey went to a doctor who specializes in hormones.

Winfrey writes that the hormone specialist told her that her "hormonal tank was empty" and gave her a prescription for bioidentical estrogen.

"After one day on bioidentical estrogen, I felt the veil lift," Winfrey writes. "After three days, the sky was bluer, my brain was no longer fuzzy, my memory was sharper. I was literally singing and had a skip in my step."

Winfrey isn't recommending bioidentical hormones for every menopausal woman. Instead, she urges women to "take charge of your health" and says it's time to "start the conversation" about menopause and bioidentical hormones.

The February issue of O, The Oprah Magazine delves into the root of this problem and possible fixes, and Oprah is taking the discussion even farther. "We're opening a national conversation about hormone replacement therapy," she says. "This is about your hormones being out of whack, and you don't even know—we haven't had a language to talk about it yet."

What are bioidentical or natural hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are an exact chemical match to hormones naturally occurring in the human body. These chemicals are extracted from the yam and soy plants. They are synthesized to be identical to the molecules of the hormones naturally produced by women and men. The body recognizes the bioidentical hormones from these plants exactly like it would the hormones produced from the testes or ovaries. It is important to know that the absorption pathway can make a difference in the effectiveness and the side effects depending on whether the hormones are taken by pill or topically, as a cream or patch. The body does a better job if the bioidentical hormones are taken topically.

Are they FDA approved?

Custom made mixtures of bioidentical h
